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MSc Economics

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New “Prüfungs- und Studienordnung” (PSO) / Study and Examination Rules


The new “Prüfungs- und Studienordnung” (PSO), i.e., a new version of the programme’s official Study and Examination Rules, has been published (see https://www.amtliche-bekanntmachungen.uni-bayreuth.de/de/amtliche-bekanntmachungen/2023/2023-059.pdf). It starts to apply in the winter semester 2023/24. 

The new PSO automatically pertains to all newly enrolled students, i.e., those who start their studies in the MSc Economics programme in the winter semester 2023/24. All students who started their studies in a previous semester have the option to switch voluntarily to the new PSO if they prefer so. Otherwise, the old PSO that applied until winter semester 2023/24 continues to apply to them.

The main novelty in the new PSO is a reformed “Volkswirtschaftliche Spezialisierung” / Economic Specialization module area. It replaces the old “Spezialisierung” / Specialization module area. Instead of having to choose two out of five fixed three-course specializations, students can under the new PSO combine any six economics Master’s courses that are offered by professors and lecturers of the Department. At least two of these courses must have seminar format. 

The new PSO thus offers even better opportunities to specialize than the old one. For instance, under the old PSO students could only (or, depending on perspective, had to) select one of the several courses offered, e.g., on microeconomics – such as courses on Collective Choice Theory, Adv. Microeconomics 2, Game Theory 2, and various seminars – as part of the “Modelltheorie” specialization. They can now choose as many as they want. 

Students have the option to follow recommended paths (like, as in the old “Modelltheorie” specialization, continuing each of the core courses in Advanced Macroeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics and Advanced Empirical Economics with a sequel, or choosing a specialization in international economics, governance, or health economics). Or they select whatever courses reflect their personal curiosity and interests in economics best. 

Please see the updated Brief Study Guide or the new PSO itself for further details.

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