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Information for advanced Master’s students on pursuing a PhD


The University of Bayreuth Graduate School would like to draw your attention to the following information sessions:

- 01 June 2021, 9:00-13:00: "Financing your PhD".


- 02 June 2021, 9:00-12:00: "Thoughts before a PhD".


These information sessions are designed for advanced Master's students who are considering a PhD.

Furthermore, The Graduate School would like to draw your attention to a brochure of the QualitätsZirkel Promotion (QZP):

"PhD - make a conscious decision and get off to a good start".

The brochure provides information on basic conditions for and the process of doctoral studies, on time and personal requirements, and on career prospects.

After reading the brochure, the question "Do I want to pursue PhD studies?" should become easier to answer.

You can find the brochure as a PDF via the following links:

EN: https://www.qz-promotion.de/app/download/15359995724/QZP+Broschu%CC%88re+Promotion+bewusst+entscheiden+und+gut+starten+-+final.pdf?t=1580200139

EN: https://www.qz-promotion.de/app/download/15659400424/DoingYourDoctorate-QZP.pdf?t=1580200200

Or at: https://www.graduateschool.uni-bayreuth.de/de/broschueren/index.html

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